
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Roller Coaster

......working all those years at Six Flags taught me one thing (besides how to meet my husband); life is like a roller coaster.

- First you slowly go up a hill. You slowly learn: how to walk, how to talk, how to do things independently. You slowly learn a "trade"...your job/profession.

 - Then you get to the top of the lift. You can begin to see your future below you with all of its speed and twists and turns that lie before you.

 - You go down the lift and the true adventure begins. You finish school, get married, find a job, raise a family and attempt to enjoy all of the loops, turns and "horseshoes" along the ride. Some of the movement may make you queesy and sick to your stomach sometimes. However, life, like a roller coaster, is not always easy. You just have to remember, you're locked in  - all-be-it by faith - and He will not let you fall during the ride.

 - Eventually you make it to the safety brake. A slow point in the ride to look back and enjoy what has happened so far. A time to catch your breath. Enjoy it, because another dip and more fun awaits.

 - Finally you make it back to the station and the ride is over. You hope you have enjoyed everything the ride had to offer and have told enough people about your ride. A legacy left for others to enjoy on their ride.

I have been angry for the past couple of days. I think, however, that I have made it to the safety break and realize that the ride has not been as bad as I would like to think it has been. Everything is a challenge. From the time the ride operator hits the button and sends you on your way until you arrive safely back in the station - it's a challenge. I need to get over my anger so I can enjoy this ride. I think I'm over it. It may return, and I know it probably will, I just need to remember I'm locked in. He's my "lap bar" and it's been checked for the duration of my ride.

Now I just need to keep my arms and legs inside the car at all times :)


Miranda said...

*hugs* my sister! Hang in there and know that you ARE safe and sound in the loving arms of the Lord!


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