
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's Been a While has been INSANE!

Bryan was gone Monday-Thursday every week in the month of August on business trips. He's gone now until Friday. I love him and love that he loves his job. He's been getting accolades left and right for his work and I think that's OUTSTANDING!

I've been working my 40 hour weeks, spending approximately 2 hours a day in commuting and being a "single mother". I now have a HUGE appreciation for single parents. I love my daughter, don't get me wrong, but my little mini-me is exactly that...a mini-me! 2 me's in one room, together, 4 nights a week...we do tend to get on each other's nerves. The need for adult conversation does creep in at times.

My ulcers have been acting up I think. On the plus side of that, I've lost 15 pounds. Watching my portions, calories and non-appetite ulcer attacks can all help in a good way.

I hope all of my friends and family had a good summer. You wouldn't know summer is over around here with temperatures still in the mid 90's, but I keep telling myself I'm gonna wish for those temperatures in December and January and to remember this time.

Love to all!


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